UST CoS accomplishes AUN-QA re-certification assessment for three programs
Words by: Stephanie Vargas
Three programs in the College of Science — BS Biology, BS Chemistry, and BS Psychology, completed the ASEAN University Network — Quality Assurance’s (AUN-QA) three-day long Programme Assessment held this May 2–4, 2023.
The said programme assessment, which is UST’s first onsite assessment since the pandemic, was created to promote quality assurance in higher education institutions in the ASEAN community through evaluating and then accrediting respective academic programs of an institution for a five-year certification.
The College of Science is the only college to receive accreditation for the said three programs last 2017 immediately, each having five years of validity.
The AUN-QA programme assessment tool evaluates academic programs based on the following criteria: Expected Learning Outcomes, Programme Structure and Content, Teaching and Learning Approach, Student Assessment, Academic Staff, Student Support Services, Facilities and Infrastructures, and Output and Outcomes.
The assessors specifically reviewed documents, surveyed exhibits found at the Labrador Hall for Biology, Pedrosa Hall for Chemistry, and Blas Hall for Psychology, visited sites around the University, and conducted interviews with the stakeholders, including students, academic staff, support staff, employers, and alumni, among others.
AUN-QA Training Expert and Chief Assessor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, along with the other assessors, in his wrap-up presentation, commended the University’s various programs’ strengths, such as their functional internal quality assurance systems as well as the stakeholders’ excellent performance. They also highlighted the University’s need to consider the world’s challenges, especially with the continuously advancing technology and rising use of AI in our post-pandemic situation.
UST Rector Fr. Richard G. Ang, O.P., Ph.D. and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Cheryl R. Peralta, DrPH, in their messages, underscored the University’s commitment to continuously refine the quality of Catholic education being delivered to its stakeholders through such assessments and external reviews from international assessors.
AUN-QA’s programme assessment was held along their 13th Assessor Training Workshop, which trained experts from Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.