To Those Who Persecute Me For Resting
By: Herliterary
“In defense of my stillness,”
I said in-between nail biting
While my name slips seamlessly
In-between different stories.
In-between paintings.
Always followed in the night.
I choose to lay but get berated
By my prosecutor; once my therapist.
They imprison me
In a place of supposed security
As they clamor, “Persecute her!”
So I tiptoe in between cracks of gossips.
Always hiding, my breath stiffening.
Stuck in a frozen response,
I loathe to fulfill my return,
Dizzy on how to face the crowd
without shame.
Guilty on how to take the crown
without spitting on my name.
“In defense of my stillness,
Why are there glares for my isolating?”
I said in composure,
Burying the urge to run my lungs ragged,
Biting my tongue from pointless arguments
Made by supposed professionals.
My mental health ceases to exist
When it comes to the academe.
When it comes to a community
Supposed to understand me.
My mental health ceases to matter
When it burdens their own.
To those who persecute me for resting,
Sit uncomfortably with your false virtues.
Continue preaching with fervor
While I sit in silence, knowing your truth,
And wait as you fall from prioritizing sanity when it only concerns you.