ONBOARDING SEASON ’24: UST holds virtual ROARientation for freshmen
By: Lyana Cariaga
As this year’s onboarding season commences, the University of Santo Tomas welcomed its 11,921 freshmen through the Virtual ROARientation held last August 3 via Google Meet.
The three-part virtual orientation, spearheaded by the Communications Bureau, presented an in-depth overview of the policies and services offered by the University.
The first part, led by Professor Cheryl R. Peralta, DrPH, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, focused on the Academic Formation in the University by discussing the “Thomasian Brand of Education,” including the University’s core values and SEAL framework (Servant Leader, Effective Communicator and Collaborator, Analytical and Creative Thinker, and Lifelong Learner).
She also provided an in-depth explanation of the recently instituted hybrid instruction and how it is designed to cater to the different needs of students.
“In this process of learning, you will be provided the needed support and services that will allow you to maximize your productivity levels and enhance your learning potential,” said Prof. Peralta.
Afterward, a presentation focusing on “TIGERTECH”, detailing the educational support devices and digital platforms utilized by the University, was presented by Asst. Prof. April Joy M. Gascon, MA, acting director of the Educational Technology Center (EDTECH) and Asst. Prof. Jerralyn T. Padua, MS, Assistant to the Rector for Information and Communications Technology.
It covered an introduction to the University’s Office of Information & Communications Technology (OICT), a detailed discussion of the MyUste Portal, and a comprehensive guide to utilizing the UST Cloud Campus Canvas, Google Workspace, Zoom, Panopto, IMPACT, proctoring and anti-plagiarism tools like Respondus and Turnitin, the recently offered Adobe Suite, and other learning resources.
The orientation’s second segment focused on physical and mental wellness, including faith and spirituality.
Director of the Counseling and Career Center (CCC) Sr. Counselor Janice T. Ocray, MA, Health Services’ Dr. Sheryl Dionisio, MD, and Bachelor of Physical Education Program’s Prof. Jerome A. Porto, DPEd, emphasized the importance of maintaining proper nutrition, physical activity, and mental health in their respective talks.
More so, Inst. Ma. Lourdes S. Antonio, MA, Center for Campus Ministry Director, and Rev. Fr. Paul Reagan O. Talavera, OP., Parish Priest of the Santisimo Rosario Parish, led the discussions on faith and spirituality highlighting the University’s numerous activities and liturgical celebrations, including retreats and recollections. Furthermore, Fr. Talavera highlighted the upcoming Kumpilang Bayan, Binyagang Bayan, and Kasalang Bayan of the Parish that will be held later this year.
The final part of the orientation centered on the introduction of the different offices of the University, such as the Office of the Vice-Rector for Finance, Office of the Registrar, and Office of Student Affairs, given by Mr. Edwin C. Fonacier Jr., CPA, Asst. Prof. Kashmer T. Cruz, Assistant Registrar, Asst. Prof. Jaezamie V. Ong, MA, OIC, respectively.
In addition, Assoc. Prof. Juliano Parena, PhD, Director of the Campus Safety and Security Office, Engrs. Albert S. Surla, MSCE., and Assistant Director Jared V. Gunting, Environmental Health, Safety, and Crisis Engineer from the Facilities Management Office, detailed the University’s safety procedures and crisis management protocols. Asst. Prof. Froilan A. Alipao, MCD, Director of the Simbahayan Community Development Office, meanwhile, introduced the UST Simbahayan Community.
The orientation concluded at 1:30 pm. The on-site ROARientation is set to happen on August 5 at the Quadricentennial Pavilion.