Matcha on some days and Red Wine on the others
By: herliterary
I’m matcha on some days and red wine on the others. Sometimes, I’m finely grounded, needing only hot water And a few circular motions to loosen my best qualities. Pour me in a cup with some fresh milk,
And taste me between your tongue and lips.
Either you’ll have the best drink or say, “I don’t get it.”
I’m matcha on some days and red wine on the others. Sometimes, ripe grapes hang over my arm without my knowing Until someone picks only the best and starts crushing.
From then on I’ll be too beaten up and end up isolating.
But I’ll feel your love leaning on the door, waiting.
Then you pour me into a glass, stemmed and clear,
And taste me between your tongue and lips.
Either you’ll say I’ve gotten too strong, or I’m still too sweet.
I’m matcha on some days and red wine on the others. But you’ll always label these drinks
With a warning sticker beside it
Proving you have the palate of a five-year-old kid.
So I’ll just give you a cold and carbonated drink Instead of diluting the matcha with milk
Or returning the wine in the fridge.
Turns out matcha and red wine are not for the weak. Sorry, I wasn’t packed with a label warning.