Words by Doc
I set the scene, confidence brimming upon my fingertips
I tighten the strap on my satchel and calmly walk past the children playing by
The one with the purple patches down his shorts and a bridled braid against his head
Caught by a twinkle in his step, a certain light beneath his eyes
He’s lowly against the rest
He’s the calm before the chaos carving against the surface
I see the bloodshot eyes and the tear-stained cheeks
And I’m left in awe with how alike we seem to be
He catches my eye and the corners of his mouth upturn
The slightest smile catches me off guard and I trip over my breaths
I walk past the fruit stand down the wet market
Rotten mangoes on the window sill, a purple patch on my jacket
Leaves turn over, seasons brim anew
And I return the smile