eighth-grader moment
I stand on the edge where the sunlight beams over, where its heat grazes the tip of my nose. I hear the time tick in my heartbeat as I rush into cold, daunting walls — bumping into white all around me. The stairs creak, and the numbers blur and shift around me in a daze. But it's too late. I'm too late. They're already staring at me.
sana kayo na
Caterpillars crawl cowardly,
Rendering a rushing red,
Unto me, unrequitedly,
So slowly, so secretly,
Hushedly happy.
something something freudian slip
Psych Troubles:
My friends and I were at this restaurant, eating our lunch before PATH-FIT. Our conversations started with our similarities to a family. But soon, we were loudly complaining about how Freud was a weirdo. Well, we got quite a few stares from the others. Oops.
naruto runner
Four laps around the field, exhaustion mixed with lightness,
A realization struck — return to the gym's rhythmic embrace,
Workloads remain within grasp, a manageable ballet,
Laboratory experiments spark love for my program,
Amidst friends, college life is endurable,
Ramen and ice cream — a cradle comfort,
A quest for ice scramble: Dapitan, Lacson, Noval — fruitless, yet the week's simplicity births joy.
a certain magical moment
"Radrial Days"
Some certain days and dates bring out feelings of longing and melancholy. These are days of once-beautiful memories that fade as time moves forward. Special dates that hold meaning to one's frail heart. Days that once gave warmth.